As I social distance myself from others like Tina Fey (the bear of course) on the river, I’ve had free time to rekindle my passion for drawing! I enjoy pastels because they are colorful and messy in a fun way. I find the McNeil River bears to be especially thrilling to draw, as I adoreContinue reading “BEAR ART”

Using the Planet With Purpose

In my last post I talked about using our planet in a cleaner more deliberate way. Today I want to talk about how to do that. For the record, these are the things that I do personally. I am asking you, the reader to consider these things, and do what’s right for you. A lotContinue reading “Using the Planet With Purpose”

Bears. Salmon. McNeil River, Alaska.

Question: What kind of bear is best? That’s a ridiculous question. The McNeil bear is the coolest kind of bear. Fact: Bears eat salmon. Bears. Salmon. McNeil River, Alaska. Let’s go over a few facts about the proposed Pebble Mine in true Dwight Schrute fashion. The industrial port and road of the Pebble Mine wouldContinue reading “Bears. Salmon. McNeil River, Alaska.”

Adorable Tiny Bears

One morning Trucker was out having her morning tea at the bear overlook at camp. I was walking around camp taking pictures of fireweed in the morning light and dew. I approached the cabin and Trucker was walking towards me with wide eyes making hand signals. She was trying to tell Beth the biologist thatContinue reading “Adorable Tiny Bears”

Why Should I Care About Bears?

Hell Hath Fury (another one of our badass roller derby pals) compiled a list of Alaska happenings during the Summer of 2019. Here in Alaska:▪️Our state is on fire▪️Hottest summer on record, ever▪️Whales are washing up dead▪️Mortality events of sea birds on our islands▪️Entire coastal villages are being moved due to erosion from permafrost melt▪️GlaciersContinue reading “Why Should I Care About Bears?”